European Visa Waiver for Slovenia

Electronic Travel
Authorization Available

European Visa Waiver for Slovenia

The ETIAS for Slovenia, a Schengen Area and Slovenian electronic visa waiver is anticipated to be introduced in 2024. The European System for Travel Authorization and Information is referred to as ETIAS.

Slovenia’s ETIAS visa waiver is being implemented by the European Commission in order to increase security and safety for travelers as well as Schengen Area nations.

Application for Slovenia’s ETIAS is capable of traveling inside the Schengen area for leisure, medical treatment, business, or transit.

With each entry, holders of the ETIAS Slovenia travel authorization will be permitted to go into the Schengen Zone and remain there for 90 days inside each 180-day term. It won’t be essential to file for the ETIAS before each visit to Slovenia because It is applicable for three years.

A Slovenian visa application is far more complicated and time-consuming than registering on the website.

Citizens who qualify may submit an application through the straightforward Slovenia ETIAS application online to acquire Slovenia has been granted a European Waiver by email. 

application for ETIAS Slovenia, which only needs to be filled out briefly, applicants must give information about the traveler’s identity, and passport, and respond to a few security-related questions.

For more details, get in touch with the Slovenian embassy/consulate if you plan to stay there for multiple trips lasting more than ninety days.

Slovenia Travel Requirements for ETIAS

In order to submit an application, visa waiver holders for Schengen Region must first satisfy Slovenia ETIAS requirements, which include:

  • A valid email address to which the authorized ETIAS authorization can be sent.
  • Credit/Debit card to pay the Slovenian ETIAS charge.


The applicant must fill out the form with personal & passport data, including their complete name, address, Issue, and the traveler’s document number/expiration date. The initial Schengen nation to be entrance must also be listed on the form.

The passport from a qualified country that is acceptable for three months past a expected date of entry into Slovenia as well as the Schengen Region is the most crucial condition for an ETIAS for Slovenia.

ETIAS  conditions for Slovenia stipulate that the applicant must have an identical passport to enter Schengen Area is the one used to submit the application because the approved ETIAS is electronically linked to the applicant’s passport.

To continue traveling to Schengen Area, the applicant will need to reapply if their passport expires while they hold an ETIAS in Slovenia.


Visas for Slovenia – Who Needs One?

Slovenia shares visa regulations with all Schengen nations because it is a member of the European Union and a signatory to the Schengen pact. Several foreign countries can presently travel to Slovenia as well as the Schengen region without a visa for more than 90 days.

These foreign countries, however, are anticipated to need an ETIAS visa waiver beginning in 2024 to visit the Schengen Area and Slovenia for brief stays.

A European Travel Authorization with Multiple Entrances for Slovenia, or ETIAS, is the document that allows multiple entrances into the Schengen area while it is valid. With each entry into the Schengen Area, owners of ETIAS Slovenia are permitted to stay more than 90 straight days within any duration of 180 days. From the date of acceptance, it is acceptable for three years.

Holders of the Slovenia European Waiver ETIAS are permitted to transit through or get medical treatment in any Schengen country.

Foreign citizens who are not qualified to submit the ETIAS Slovenia waiver application and those who want to visit the Slovenia for other reasons, including a job or study, will need the visa.

Slovenian diplomatic visas are equivalent to Schengen visas. The first step is to schedule the appointment at closest Slovenian diplomatic mission To submit a Schengen visa application.

The Slovenian application for a Schengen visa must then be downloaded, printed, and filled out by applicants before being brought with them to visa appointments.

Before going to the appointment, you must also meet Schengen visa criteria for the supporting documents. 

Every applicant must have a passport that is currently valid and has at least two blank pages. The applicant’s type of Slovenian Schengen visa needs and the reason for a planned stay will determine what further supporting documents are needed.

With each entry, it typically allows a maximum consecutive 90-day stay, while extended stays may be permitted in some circumstances.

Countries Eligible for Slovenia

  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brazil
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominica
  • El Salvador
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Georgia
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kiribati
  • Macau
  • Macedonia
  • Malaysia
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Palau
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Singapore
  • Solomon Islands
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Timor Leste
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tuvalu
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Vanuatu
  • Venezuela
  • United Kingdom

ETIAS Information

ETIAS is an electronic waiver for Slovenia. All visitors from nations that do not require visas will have to apply for an ETIAS in order to visit Slovenia and the Schengen area for brief visits beginning in 2024.

For every 180-day period, the Slovenia ETIAS will permit a maximum stay of ninety days with every entry into Schengen Area.

The cost of the ETIAS Slovenia is not disclosed. When it becomes available, the cost will be made public on this website.

ETIAS Application

Slovenia’s ETIAS waiver is available to eligible citizens through a straightforward online application, and those who are approved will get an ETIAS for the Slovenia by email.

Once the electronic system is implemented, which is anticipated to be in 2024, visa-exempt citizens in Slovenia will need to have the ETIAS entrance visa-free access to Slovenia as well as the Schengen Region.

It is true that all minors under 18 years old from nations with visa-free travel will need a separate ETIAS in order to enter the Schengen and Slovenia areas.

If any of data connected to a Slovenian ETIAS that has been accepted may be changed, that has not yet been published. When it becomes available, these details will be posted on this website.

ETIAS Questions

Updates and alerts forwarded to an email address supplied on the application form should allow applicants to keep track of the progress of their Slovenia visa waiver application.

Applicants are anticipated to be able to reapply if their Slovenian ETIAS waiver application denied. Before submitting their application, applicants should double-check that all of the information they provided on an ETIAS form is accurate because even minor errors could result, in a visa being rejected.
